Monday, April 30, 2012

Let the Packing Commence!!

I can't believe it...I'll be on my way to Paris in 4 days! I'll be participating in Florida State University's Study Abroad Program, directed by the fantastic Joyce Fausone! We'll be taking dance classes in studios and conservatories throughout Paris, attending performances, going to museums, and just enjoying the culture! There's so much to do! I'm finally starting the packing process and it's proving to be just as difficult as I anticipated! I have to fit clothes, "school supplies," dance shoes, towels, and a whole lot more into this suitcase! At least I have my fabulous mom and sister to help. Plus, it is actually kind of fun! I just got home from a quick trip to Disney World with my family, and I spent a fair bit of time in "France" in Epcot's world showcase just to get me even more excited for the trip. Now that I've been there, I'm even more eager to see the real thing! Well, like I said, there's lots to do, so I guess I'm going to get back to my packing!