Monday, May 21, 2012

Week 3 Begins

Well, I take back what I said yesterday about the weather being warmer and sunnier here in Paris…today was definitely cold and rainy! We made the best of it though. We started out with a Conditioning class with Kehinde, which felt amazing! After running around London all weekend and then sitting on trains for a few hours, it was nice to reconnect with my body! After a few lectures and a quick lunch, a few of us ventured out to the Marais area to work on our next assignment. We will be guiding a walking tour of the area tomorrow, so those of us who wanted to get ahead a bit went out to explore! My assignment is to briefly discuss the history of the Places des Vosges, so I wanted to at least be able to see it and take it in before doing my research. It actually turned out to be very interesting! It was constructed from 1605 to 1612, and it is the oldest true square (140 meters x 140 meters) in Paris. All 36 buildings follow the same design by Baptiste du Cerceau, and there is a lovely garden in the middle.
Once we scouted out our “required” locations, we stayed around for a while just to explore! We found an amazing chocolate shop and an entire store devoted to honey! Gianna and I also spent about 30 minutes wandering around a bookstore! Loren said she found an amazing (but unfortunately expensive) tea store in the area over the weekend, so we’ll definitely be on the lookout for that tomorrow!
I think that was about it for today. Now I’m just back at the FIAP drinking a lovely cup of green tea and preparing for the presentation I will be giving tomorrow about Anna Pavlova. Bonne nuit!  

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